Ndebussy preludes book 1 analysis

Musical analysis as a technique for performance decisions in. Claude debussy achilleclaude debussy french pronunciation. Recorded live during the marion rubin berman 31 piano honors concert april 12, 2012 in necs jordan hall in boston. Nontraditional scales extended harmony traditional chords used in nontraditional context harmonic color tonal ambiguity. The primary purpose of this study is to examine various ways in which analysis can provide solutions to problems that may arise in the performance of debussy s preludes for piano. Debussy s book of preludes is some of his most wellknown and last works for solo piano. Hinsons suggestions for performance and an analysis of each prelude. Gieseking more or less owned these pieces during his lifetime and. Despite the research i have done regarding the title, the results i have found are still only speculation. They were composed and published in two books of twelve.

The game was originally planned to not have any music in the game until the games composer, dan golding. Not only is the title full of mystery, but the piece. A descriptive analysis of the preludes book 1 of claude debussy, thesis, january. Debussy s twentyfour preludes are among the composers last and bestknown works for piano. Unlike some notable collections of preludes from prior times, such as chopins op. A descriptive analysis of the preludes book 1 of claude debussy. In this prelude we find examples of harmonic procedures commonly used in claude debussy s music like. Debussy s music virtually defines the transition from lateromantic music to twentieth century modernist music. The paperback of the complete preludes, books 1 and 2. Along with maurice ravel, he is considered one of the most prominent figures working within the field of impressionist music, though he himself intensely disliked the term when applied to his compositions.

Free sheet music l 117, debussy, claude preludes, book 1. A descriptive analysis of the preludes book 1 of claude. Except for some mild, localized chromaticism and a short pentatonic passage, the entire piece uses the whole. The purpose of this thesis is to discuss and give a descriptive analysis of twelve of the twentyfour preludes written by claude debussy. These compositions, while endearing themselves to both pianist and listener, also occupy an important place in musical. Debussy s most dramatic contribution to music history was his disregard for traditional chord structures and tonality. I did not originally plan to orchestrate all of debussys preludes. Les collines danacapri is the fifth of 24 preludes in debussy s preludes. Chapter 1 introduction analysis can be a valuable tool for the performer who is seeking solutions to performance problems. One only prays and hopes that the rest of debussy s piano music is somewhere in the near future, probably along with at least the core ravel piano works if not all the ravel piano music.

Walter gieseking plays debussy preludes book 1 discogs. Three years exist between the publication of the first and second book, with the former appearing in 1910. Soyoung choe performs excerpts from debussy s preludes, book 1. An analysis of debussys preludes book 1 james omalley submitted in partial fulfilment of ma in performance and musicology nui. I have one other schirmer debussy piano book and this compilation book was what led me to purchase this set of preludes.

Walter gieseking plays debussy preludes book 1 vinyl. An analysis and discussion of the performance of five debussy preludes. Claude debussy s preludes are 24 pieces for solo piano, divided into two books of 12 preludes each. Les collines danacapri comes from book 1 of the preludes, which contains 12 pieces within. Achilleclaude debussy 22nd august 1862 25th march 1918 was a french composer. Dressed in a chic tan turtleneck, untucked, but with a belt clasped around it, arturo benedetti michelangeli sits at the piano in an intimate studio in october, 1978. The most important early example of the prelude being exemplified in the forty eight preludes and fugues of books i and ii of the well tempered clavier of bach, where the prelude served to. Book i was written between december 1909 and february 1910, and book ii between the last months of 1912 and early april 19. Voiles is a composition by claude debussy for solo piano from 1909. Claude debussy was a leading composer of the early 20th century known for his impressionistic style and use of nontraditional scales and tonalities as well as chromaticism. Study composition at the university of the arts in philadelphia. Claude debussy s painterly preludes the subtle, elusive quality of debussy s twentyfour preludes is captured perfectly by pianist paul jacobs, who plays them with.

Unlike other collections of preludes by great composers, debussy s do not follow a strict pattern of key signature. Included is an outstanding cd recording from the naxos label. Alfred masterwork library sheet music book by claude debussy 18621918. As he plays debussy s book 1 preludes, you notice how effortlessly his arms, hands, and fingers are choreographed to the music. Browse alfred music from alfred music at sheet music plus. My analysis of canope debussy preludes for piano, book.

It is difficult to fix his age as the poem opens because time constantly shifts backward and forward throughout the narrative. This significant compilation of 12 preludes represents debussy s mature writing style and is filled with a great diversity of compositional styles. Debussy preludes, book 1 by claude debussy 18621918. This paper also includes a brief history of preludes as well as possible influences upon debussy and his compositions. As far as sound is concerned this is surely one of the most sensuous of recent surveys of the preludes. After sonatas by beethoven and chopin, a disc of schumann and magisterial accounts of the two brahms piano concertos comes this recital of debussy centred on the first book of preludes. One of debussy s 24 preludes is from book 1, prelude 12, also known as minstrels. In french literary circles, the style of this period was known as symbolism, a movement that directly inspired debussy both as a composer and as an active cultural participant. The title of the piece may be translated to english as either veils or sails. Helpful english translations of french terms as well as debussy s performance. The poet has, by his own account, been too long pentup in london and only now has managed to return to the beloved lake district where he spent his childhood and adolescence. Complete your walter gieseking plays debussy collection.

I provide the original scanned version and the filtered, because the filter does some changes smoothening, sharpening borders and some portions of the scan get lost sometimes when they are too small e. These preludes are well known for the unique way in which they are titled. It is the second piece in a set of twelve preludes published in 1910. The autograph score by claude debussy composer online at alibris. Walter giesekings magisterial performances of debussy s preludes were first released on cd in 1987 as a single disc, and they have been reissued in various guises many times since. Debussy may have contributed the last important evolution to the prelude. His readings of the first book of preludes, and the first set of images is going to be much, much, much more than soothing pastel background music listening. An analysis and discussion of the performance of five debussy. The piece is one of four debussy preludes in both books whose title origins are unknown. He was one of the most important figures in music at the turn of the 20th century. The music expresses a vast repertoire of emotions, colors and moods.